President - Mr Stan Honnery
(contact 08-94551059)
Senior Vice-President - Ms Neridah Sharrett
Junior Vice-President - Mrs Deb McLachlan
Secretary - Mrs Carol Comtesse
Treasurer - Mrs Anne Howell
Committee -
Mr Mick Manaszczuk
Mrs Michelle Johnson
Ms Liz Harrower
Ms Lauren McLachlan
Mrs Jill Wilson
Miss Deb McDonald
Life Members - Mr Stan Honnery
- Mrs Deb McLachlan
- Mrs Carol Comtesse
- Mr Brett Johnson
- Mrs Michelle Johnson
- Mrs Angela Potiphar
- Mrs Nola Reader
(Note: please contact the breeder that you purchased your dog from regarding health, temperament, or rescue, or behaviour problems. Our Club does not give out any opinions in regard to this).
Contact Details
BT and BTM Association of WA IncPerth, WA, Australia
Phone : 0408636334
Email : [email protected]